IVECO ELTRAC [EASY] Fault Deteation Device

Easy is on original fault detection and diğnostic device . It provides convenient and confortable use with the helf of a wireless bluetooth module . It is designed for the daily use of Iueca services with features such as fost and reliable fault find

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  3. IVECO ELTRAC [EASY] Fault Deteation Device

It is supplied with the latest version of the Iveco easy service program together with the eltrac inferface. All licenses for iveco Eltrac easy 2014 2015 light commercial , bus , heavy vehicle and construction machinery are fully open. It is also licensed for use in TATA and daewaa vehicles.

  In the iveco Eltrac easy program , it is licensed in vehicle groups specific to china and other  Asian countries.

The iveco Eltrac easy program is fully active in windows  7. Fault reading-deleting , adaptation , calibration , tests are active .

     Wireless Connection

It can be easily taken to the side of the vehicle and wirelessy fault scanning or activation tests can be performed .

- ECI diagnostic interface

- 38 pin cable (Iveco 99331043 part number);

- 19 pin cable (Iveco 99368555 part number);

- OBD2 cable (Iveco 99331057 part number);

- 99327017 – adapter cable for connection 38pin, 19pin and OBD2 cables to ECI;

- 99327018 – USB cable for PC connection (short);

- DVD with EASY installation and manual , can install on any laptop.




  Türkçe, Italian, Spanish, French, English, German, Czech, Danish, Hungarian, Dutch, Swedish, Finnish, Portuguese, Polish, Croatian, Greek, Russian, Korean

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